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NOTICE: The immigration department at the airport DOES NOT answer questions nor can be contacted. If you have an immigration QUESTION, you MUST contact your NEAREST MEXICAN CONSULATE prior to your arrival to Cancun.

There you will be able to get answers to your question and, if necessary, obtain the proper documentation to enter the country. Cancun International Airport is an international port of entry to Mexico and as such it is regulated by Mexican and international laws and treaties. What this means is that every country in the world has a treaty with Mexico detailing on what is necessary for the citizens of that county to enter into Mexican territory. Please check with your travel agent or with the Mexican Embassy in your country about the documentation and visas you need to enter Mexico. There are several countries that do not need a visa to enter Mexico. We cannot list all of them but they include The United States, Canada and some countries members of the European Union.

Everybody needs a passport to enter Mexico except for citizens of the United States and Canada which can enter with a birth certificate accompanied by a photo ID. As mentioned before, citizens from some countries might require an entry visa. If you are not sure please check with your travel agent and/or the Mexican Embassy in your country.

When you reach the arriving terminal after landing in Cancun you will be guided to the immigration hall where you will form a line and wait for your turn with a Mexican Immigration officer. This officer will ask you for your passport (birth certificate and photo ID if you are a US or Canadian citizen), entry visa, if you are from a county which requires it, and your tourist card, which will be given to you aboard the plane. The immigration officer may ask you a few questions as of the purpose of your trip, how long you will be staying and if this is your first time in Mexico.

The “tourist card” is a form that the airline will give you at the counter when you check in or aboard the plane. It is one per person, meaning that each member of your party must have one with his/her individual information. Questions in this form include: Names, country of origin, passport number (if you carry one), place where you staying in Mexico, arrival and departure dates and so forth. After the immigration officer has stamped this card you MUST KEEP IT IN A SAFE PLACE AND DO NOT LOSE IT. YOU WILL BE ASKED FOR THIS DOCUMENT WHEN YOU DEPART MEXICO. Although very rare, you might be held in Mexico if you lose your tourist card, so please make sure you do not lose it, keep it in a safe place and have it ready at your departure.


This information is very general and can change at any time. If you have any questions we recommend you talk to your travel agent or the nearest Mexican Consulate in your country.