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  Latex Allergy
Causative Agent
Dermal Reactions
Latex Allergy Type I
Hypersensitive or
NRL Protein Allergy
Latex Protein
from rubber tree
(Hevea Brasiliensis)
Occur as soon as two to three minutes or as long as several hours after skin or mucus membrane contact with the protein allergen

Acute: Swelling, Hives, Runny nose, Nausea, Abdominal Cramps, Dizziness, Low blood pressure, bronchospasm & Anaphy laxiz

Chronic: same as above, potential for more severe reaction
By skin prick test, blood test and consultation with an allergist.
Allergic Contact Dermatitis Type IV
Chemical contact sensitizers used in glove manufacture: antioxidant, accelerators, preservatives.
Symptoms can occur up to arm beyond the boundary of gloves contact ·

Acute: Red appearance, small blister.

Chronic: Dry thickened skin, crusting, scabbing sores, vesicles, peeling
By skin patch test or by consultation with dermatologist
Irritant Contact Dermatitis Excessive perspiration, insufficient rinsing and drying of hands, irritating glove chemicals used in glove manufacture. Usually confined to the area of glove contact

Red, scalded appearance, excessive dryness

Chronic: Dry thickened skin, crusting, deep painful cracking, scabbing sores, peeling
By exclusion of Type I and Type IV hypersensitivity

Not the result of an immunological reaction