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This list will help you expedite your arrival transition through the airport. We put together this list from the most common mistakes people make when arriving to Cancun. Please use this list as a guide only.

Make sure you and your family have the appropriate documents to enter Mexico. US and Canadian Citizens need passports or birth certificates with a picture ID. All other citizens need passports. Some countries may need an entry Visa.
Check that you have all of your travel vouchers such as plane tickets, hotel vouchers, etc.
Have one person in charge of these documents.
Pack according to your airline's luggage allowances. They are very strict now and excess luggage can get very expensive. Most airlines are charging almost $100.00 USD for excess luggage. Please check with your airline for more information.
Mark your luggage for easy identification. Also, make sure all luggage have a name tag.
Wear comfortable clothes. Remember is almost 80 degrees in Cancun.
Do not bring food unless is sealed and packaged. As a rule of thumb, you can not bring any meats, vegetable or grains. THIS IS NOT AN AIRPORT POLICY, it is a Mexican Customs Policy.
DO NOT BRING any firearms, knives, sharp objects or any item that can be considered a weapon. Lighters are now banned from carry on baggages.
When checking in at your departure airport make sure you get all of your luggage claim tags. You will need them in Cancun.
Fill out these forms while you are on the plane. DO NOT WAIT until you get to Cancun.
Families please stay together while going through immigration. Give your complete documentation to the immigration agent and wait for questions, if any.
Continue to pick up your luggage.
Gather all your luggage and proceed to customs.
If you get stopped for inspection you will be asked to open your luggage and the inspector will search through it. Remember they are only looking for illegal items. This is a routine inspection and it should take no more than 10 minutes.
Continue to exit the arrival gate.
Make sure you have prearranged your transportation to your hotel. If your transportation is included with your package you will be greeted by a tour representative. If you do not have transportation included, then you MUST book your transportation in advance. This is the biggest complain we get from the arrival procedures, other than the long lines at the immigration booths. We can not do anything about the immigration procedures but, we can suggest you book your transportation before your arrival to the airport for a more efficient transition.
For passenger that DO have transportation included with their package you may want to book a separate transportation to speed up your departure to your hotel. Tour packages tend to take the longest to depart from the airport because a lot of people arrive a the same time and greeters have to organize all of these people into groups and then take them to their buses. If you rather spend vacation time at your hotel instead of trying to find the bus that is going to your hotel, then prearrange a separate transportation to your hotel. BELIEVE US WHEN WE TELL YOU THAT BOOKING YOUR SEPARATE TRANSPORTATION IS WELL WORTH IT.

We wish you a pleasant transition through the airport and a great vacation in Cancun or Riviera Maya.