British Stammering Association

For parents and adults.

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British Stammering Association
The BSA is the only national organisation for adults and children who stammer, run by people who stammer.

Their mission:

to initiate and support research into stammering
to identify and promote effective therapies
to offer support to all whose lives are affected by stammering
to promote awareness of stammering

"The BSA makes a real difference. Services for adults include contact with other people who stammer, social and support groups, information on employment issues, self-help and therapy, and the postal lending library. We do as much as we can to enable adults of all backgrounds and ages to get the most out of life in a world that takes fluent speech for granted."

  Discussion boards and forums:

Stuttering Chat
"This is a support group for people who stutter, but friends, relatives, and speech therapists are welcome too. We are the biggest and most active forum for people who stutter and have members from all over the world. Our primary mission is to provide support to people who stutter in the form of information about stuttering, therapy/treatment, and the sharing of our experiences."

Stuttering Support
"Help and advice for people who stutter."

Parents - W
"The purpose of this list is for parents of children and teens who stutter, and SLPs involved in treating kids whos stutter. It is meant to allow us to share experiences and ideas, and lend support and information."

Women Living with stuttering
"This International Community will provide support for women living with stuttering. Females who stutter deal with a unique set of issues often overlooked or not addressed by the stuttering community because stuttering affects a much larger percentage of men than women. Through this group female's voices will be heard about what their specific needs are and what the stuttering community can do to best support them. This group has been created to provide a safe and secure atmosphere where female's can communicate about core life decisions and issues about home, work, family and relationships by sharing and seeking advice from other women. "

"This Yahoo Group is for covert people who stutter (PWS). Covert means 'hidden' - to hide one's stuttering by avoiding words/situations, rephrasing, word substitutions, etc. to come across as a fluent person. The emotional baggage carried by covert PWS is often so great, it can become too heavy for one to carry alone. This is what the list is for - a forum for covert PWS to share their experiences, go for guidance and offer other covert PWS support to allow ourselves to try and come to peace with ourselves as PWS. We can help each other take that journey as covert PWS...whichever path we choose to take."

Speaking from the Heart
"Foster greater ties between people who stammer, parents, speech and language therapists, researchers and friends in Scotland."
  General Websites

The Stuttering Homepage
"The Stuttering Home Page, created by Judith Maginnis Kuster and maintained at Minnesota State University, Mankato, is dedicated to providing information about stuttering for both consumers and professionals who work with people who stutter. It includes information about research, therapy, support organizations, and conferences and other events...."

"Word by word: Understanding Stuttering"

Dominic Barker Trust
"The Dominic Barker Trust, a charity called Dom's Fund, has been set up for research into stammering."
  Stammering Blog Sites:

If you know of a website, discussion board or blog that you feel warrants listing please contact us at