British Stammering Association

For parents and adults.

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  We are looking for stories by stammerers, not stories about stammering.
(Though of course we would not discount a story that featured a stammer - see below).

There are no restrictions to genre. Your short story can be on any topic or theme.

Stories should be bold and imaginative. Entries will be judged on originality, quality of language, clarity, and the indefinable 'it' factor.

Can't think of a story?

A story can be anything your imagination decides:
Mystery, Comedy, Love, Escape, Thrills, Portray, Betray, Shock, Farce, Real Life, Fantasy, Adventure, Simplicity, and a hundred more.
A story is a point of view.
A story can span a thousand years, a lifetime, a day, or just a moment.
Start in the future and end in the past?
Live in others' shoes for a while. Describe what cannot be seen.
A story can take you on a journey of the emotions.
A story can be 'what if?'
Look around, there's a story in everything you see.
In your story you can be any creature under the sun.
Nothing is improbable given the right circumstances.
Let your imagination go, and just be true to yourself.

"I do not write for a select minority, which means nothing to me, nor for that adulated platonic entity known as 'The Masses'. Both abstractions, so dear to the demagogue, I disbelieve in. I write for myself and for my friends, and I write to ease the passing of time."

Introduction to The Book of Sand, Jorge
Luis Borges

  BSA Special Award. "Living with my stammer"

The BSA will give a special award to entries on the theme: "Living with my stammer".

Write up to 1000 words on 'living with my stammer' and what it means to you. Open to all ages; the winners of this special award will receive a special cash prize of £50.

Mark your envelope ‘BSA Special Award’ and send to the BSA address.